Study English


하람옥 2018. 9. 4. 22:19

I take on the bus at the bus station. I could sit in bus. I send the message to my boyfriend. He finished his work and he is going to the house now.
I studied 의문문 in class at AE English. It is the first class on fifth months. I was surprised that the time flew fast.

I phoned to Eunju, my first zumba teacher in Daegu. I have liked her and have miss herㅠㅠ When I decided that I left Daegu, what I thought first was Eunju teacher. We ate late dinner or some achocols after a zumba class. We have similar character and huge energy when we do zumba which is a kind of exercise with latin music.
On these days she examined her health and there were some bad results. I have worried about her health.

I am on a period now so I am a little uncomfortable. In addition, I want to go to toliet now. I think that to live as women is not easy way.