My Life

20181223 6주차만에 다 읽다^^

하람옥 2018. 12. 23. 13:33

드디어 이 책 다 읽었다^^*
완벽히 해석 되는 건 아니었지만 80퍼센트 정도는 해석하며 읽음 😊
뭔가 되게 큰 일 마친 것 같다^^
네이버에 저장해 놓은 단어들 카드로 만들고
명구절들 옮겨 놓아야지!

Finally I have been reading this book to the end. I couldn’t understand perfectly but this book give motivation to me. I borrowed this bookb during 6weeks. Library permit to borrow one book during 3weeks (maximum) so when the last day of three weeks I returned the book to library and next day, I went to library and borrowed again. 💦💦💦
I like to take a rest in Starbucks. So I am interested in reading contents related to Starbucks.
This book is warm and not difficult to read to me.
I should make word cards and copy the text which move my mind.